Original image
Reverse image search recognized that the object was fluffy or furry. Google then suggested 'soft' as a topic to go to. I took their suggestion and clicked it which brought up a definition and a lot of sites that used the word in titles or the article.
The end.



Hi class and Professor Battle.
I did my project on the continuation of the first exercise. I really enjoyed the concept of what catches your eye while you look through the internet. I wanted to see where it would lead me and how drastic the initial image would compare to the end point. Thinking about the strange connections that the search engine made and which ones I followed and why. This is something I had never thought about before starting this project. I really like opening my eyes to different ways of thinking so this was a neat project for me to explore.

I hope you find my rabbit hole interesting, thank you for taking a look through my eyes .

January 14 2021
down the rabbit hole
I then looked through the suggestions and came down to the related searches and wanted to see what soft items it would bring up if I went on it.
When I went onto the "soft things" tag, It brought up "soft things - 52 weeks of wordage. In this site , the author created a sort list of soft items. The one that intrigued me the most was freshly shaved legs and I thought it was fun how I started with a photo of a rabbit and bunnies and brought me to shaved legs